New Feature: Texting with ATC (FlightLine) logo
January 23, 2025

Hey everyone! We’ve got a new feature that we’re excited to share with you. We’re once again pushing the boundaries of what’s possible to give you that ultra-immersive flight sim experience. Let’s jump right in.

Available for ALL Premium customers as of now!

Texting with ATC - “Flight Line”

We’re introducing a feature we like to call Flight Line. This lets you communicate with Air Traffic Control directly from your phone, using text or WhatsApp messaging. No more worrying about a running sim or sitting at your computer. You can file or pick up an IFR clearance, check the ATIS, or ask for weather updates - all from your phone!

How to Text:

  • Phone: (949)-484-0004 (free to text from the USA, Canada, and Mexico)
  • WhatsApp:  +1-949-484-0004 (available everywhere else!)

Here’s a quick idea of what it can do:

  • IFR Clearances via Text: Type your request (“I’d like to pick up my IFR clearance”) and watch your clearance pop up on your phone in real time. It even shows up inside the simulator if it’s running.
  • Weather & Visibility Reports: Need to know current visibility at JFK or the ATIS at your departure airport? Just text and get the info right away.
  • SkyOps Missions Support and SkyOps Pager Duty: If you’re flying missions, your briefings can be delivered via text too.
  • AI-Powered Chat: It’s not just keyword-based replies. There’s an AI behind the scenes that can carry on a conversation and help you with all your flight-related queries.

More info available in the FAQ

Click "Add Mobile Number" on the "FlightLine" section

And the best part? It works even if your sim is off. While your PC boots up, you can file your flight plan on SimBrief, pick up your clearance, and be all set to go.

Traffic injection remains our top priority, and consumes the vast majority of our engineering resources, but we ALSO continue to do what we've always done - which is innovate and be opportunistic when our roadmap makes small, adjacent features a simple reality.

Want to see it in action? Watch Brian demo FlightLine here:

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